BP Reseller Conference 2012

 Conference Packages - Reseller

Twin/Double Share excluding Airfare

This package is applicable to Resellers sharing an accommodation room and attending business sessions but purchasing their own airfares.


❏ 5 nights’ DELUXE accommodation 
❏ 5 exclusive daily breakfasts held specifically for the group
❏ Porterage 
❏ Wi-Fi connection in your hotel room 
❏ Exclusive morning exercises classes

In addition, attendance at the conference 
❏ All business sessions including an exciting Keynote conference speaker
❏ Access exclusive deals
❏ All food and beverages during business sessions (tea breaks and lunch)
❏ A welcome cocktail function, two dinners in iconic venues, plus a stunning Gala Dinner
❏ After parties on day 2 and 3
❏ Full day group activity on day 5
❏ And much more!